Team Based Problem Solving

One of the most important capabilities of workplace leaders is to be able to harness the power of team-based problem-solving. The benefits include enhanced team engagement, the ability to maintain momentum of transformation projects and improved speed and quality of decision making. Our Introduction to Problem-Solving workshop provides participants with practice at using the best and most accessible brainstorming, problem-solving and decision-making tools.

About our Problem Solving & Decision Making Training Workshops

In this video, Chris Baker brings his decades of management and problem solving experience to bear as he talks about how this training workshop provides a comprehensive toolbox that will help your teams and leaders make sound decisions and tackle day to day business problems with confidence.


Learn to Make Decisions and Solve Problems

Improved culture

Involving employees in team-based activities that contribute to outcomes develops improved engagement and buy-in to improvement initiatives. It also enhances employees sense of empowerment and ownership of the workplace, encouraging them to embrace continuous improvement.

Push through the roadblocks

Having a suite of tools and methods to aid faster decision making and allow teams to quickly come up with solutions themselves instead of waiting for their manager to have time helps to maintain momentum on key intiatives.

Make better decisions

Using methods that can effectively identify risks and compare alternatives leads to leaders and teams consistently making better decisions, increasing confidence and quality of outcomes. 

But there are things that get in the way….


The ability to generate ideas, make decisions and solve problems doesn’t necessarily come naturally. Often managers feel that they are there to solve all the issues and come up with all the ideas themselves. This is unfortunate since failing to involve teams is a missed opportunity for engagement, inclusivity and getting buy-in to the solutions. The best outcomes happen when leaders deploy team based solutions that get better solutions that also make teams feel valued for their contribution.

How we can help

Having completed this course, participants will understand:

  • How to use mind maps and simple brainstorming techniques to gather and categorise ideas

  • How to use simple voting, nominal group, paired choice evaluation and force field analysis techniques to make decisions

  • How SIPOC and Value stream Mapping can provide valuable inputs to process analysis and potential problem points of origin

  • How to gather data and get to the root causes of problems using Pareto Analysis. Ishikawa (Fishbone) Diagrams and the 5 Whys technique.

  • Using PDCA or DMAIC and A3 Reporting to plan and report on improvement and problem closing projects

    An important additional benefit is particularly the understanding leaders will develop of the motivational and cultural power of regularly engaging and involving teams in decision making and problem-solving. These techniques are invaluable in today’s workplace for creating a positive culture and morale and a can-do attitude.


So why not talk to us now so that we can design a program that helps you meet your Team Based Problem Solving goals ?

What People Are Saying


“I love the flexibility in the approach that Kallista Consulting takes to tailor a program to meet our specific business challenges. In addition, the energy and personal commitment the team takes to deliver the best-in-class learning experience”

Bobby Pavlickovski
Director Operations | Thales Australia

“Having worked with Kallista Consulting for more than 10-years now, Entegra have found Chris an excellent resource to align with for implementing process performance, systems & structure, driving a culture of continuous improvement and developing emerging leaders amongst our organisation.”

Laurie McCalman
Managing Director | Entegra Signature Structures

Why our clients love our training:

  • high quality training workshops designed to be practical, with learning that can be directly applied within the workplace

  • workshops can be tailored to your sector and specific requirements

  • facilitated by industry experts

  • quality course materials; printed in colour on high gsm paper

  • Kallista Consulting’s network of highly experienced industry professionals develops all of our workshops. They are experienced facilitators with engaging styles who easily command credibility with their audiences.

By incorporating engaging exercise across the duration of each workshop, participants are able to practice the techniques, enabling them to translate the training directly into their workplace to deliver practical outcomes. The materials provided to each participant are comprehensive guides in themselves and include opportunities for participants to record notes and action plans.

Every course can be delivered on-site, remotely via teleconference or through online training platforms and can be customised to provide context within your specific industry and tailored to your desired learning outcomes.

“We were introduced to Chris by a trusted colleague. Chris is a highly knowledgeable consultant who was able to execute needed change in our business at a challenging time. Besides Chris’s knowledge and experience, his greatest attribute was his ability to engage with our team at all levels. He took the time to connect with every member of our team. It was this understanding that built a trust in our team that was the driver for success. I can not recommend Chris highly enough!”

Catherine Hargreaves
General Manager | Hargreaves Joinery

 Who we work with



Police & Defence

IT & Software



& Recycling

Project Management

Want to learn more or discuss the course?

We can tailor our workshops to suit your requirements, so if you want the best possible training for your team, why not simply book a time to talk directly with our us to talk about your specific training needs.

For a detailed overview and agenda of this workshop, download the Team Based Problem Solving Training Brochure

Client Partnerships

Interested in our Team Based Problem Solving workshop?