Privacy and Security

Through your interactions with Kallista Consulting for the normal purposes of conducting business, we receive and manage a variety of information. This policy describes how we intend to manage this information and protect your privacy.

The Federal Privacy Act 1988

We are bound by and comply with the National Privacy Principles, as provided in the Federal Privacy Act 1988.

Information We Collect

At Kallista Consulting, we only collect information that is necessary for us to conduct our normal business.

The information we collect includes the information you provide us when you make an enquiry or engage us to provide services. This information may include your name, address and contact details, and information relating to your business operations.

We may also collect some information from you when you use our website. Your use of the information and services available through our website will determine the type of information that we collect about you.

The only personal information that we collect about you when you use our website is what you tell us about yourself, for example, when you complete an online form when placing an order, or information you provide to us when you send us an email.

Please note, we will record your email address if you send us an email.

How we use your Personal Information

Any personal information we collect is used and disclosed by us so that we can provide you with the products or services that you have requested, or to otherwise carry out our business.

We may also use your personal information to provide you with information about other products or services offered by us. If we do this, it will be via email or written mail. Should you not wish to be contacted by us with this information, we will remove your name from our mailing list at your request.

We will not disclose information about you unless the disclosure is required by law, you have consented to our disclosing the information about you, or for another purpose (related to the primary purpose of collecting that information) that you would reasonably expect.

Access to Your Personal Information

In most cases you may have access to personal information that we hold about you. Any requests for access to your personal information will be handled in accordance with the National Privacy Principles. Requests for access to your personal information should be directed by email to or by mail to; The Privacy Officer, Kallista Consulting, PO Box 367, Beechworth, Vic 3747

We may charge you a fee for access if a cost is incurred by us in order to retrieve your information, but in no case will we charge you a fee for your application for access.

In some cases, we may refuse to give you access to personal information we hold about you. This includes, but is not limited to, circumstances where giving you access would: be unlawful (e.g., where a record which contains personal information about you is subject to a claim for legal professional privilege by one of our clients); have an unreasonable impact on other people's privacy; prejudice an investigation of unlawful activity. We will also refuse access where the personal information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings, and the information would not be accessible by the process of discovery in those proceedings. If we refuse to give you access we will provide you with reasons for our refusal.

Correcting Your Personal Information

At your request, we will amend any personal information about you held by us which is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. If we disagree with your view about the accuracy, completeness or currency of a record of your personal information held by us, and you ask us to associate with that record a statement that you have a contrary view, we will take reasonable steps to do so.

Securing and Storing Your Personal Information

We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the information that you provide us and we will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from unauthorised use or alteration. In our business, personal information may be stored both electronically (on our computer system) and in hard-copy form. Firewalls, anti-virus software and email filters, as well as passwords, protect all our electronic information. Likewise, we take all necessary measures to ensure the security of hard-copy information.

Disposal of Personal Information

We may from time to time decide to remove your personal information from our records.

For more information or to complain about a breach of your privacy If you would like more information about the way we manage personal information which we hold about you, or are concerned that we may have breached your privacy, please contact us by email to or by mail to; The Privacy Officer, Kallista Consulting, PO Box 367, Beechworth, Vic 3747

Changes To Our Privacy Policy

From time to time it may be necessary for us to revise our privacy policy. Any changes will be in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles. We may notify you about changes to this privacy policy by posting an updated version on our website

If you require any further information about the Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles, you can visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at