Frequently Asked Questions


Get the help your organisation needs.

Can you tailor your training course content to suit our organisation?

Yes, absolutely. I don’t think we’ve ever run the exact same training course twice as we always work hard to ensure that our content has context.

Can you develop a new training course for us?

Yes. We have developed many programs over the years based on the specific needs of clients. This can include handover of the IP and train the trainer sessions if required.

Can you run training workshops at our premises?

Yes, in fact most of our programs are run on site for our clients.

Do you have online versions of your courses?

Yes, in fact we are in the process of building a comprehensive online course library related to productivity and outstanding customer service. If you have a specific need, call Chris on 0428 521 040 and he may be able to prioritise development based on your requirements.

Do you provide course workbooks and materials?

Yes. All of our workshops are designed to be practical and to contain everything you need to apply the learning in your workplace, including comprehensive workbooks. These are provided as ebooks by default but we can also supply physical manuals.

Do you run public programs?

Typically not, unless there is a period of high demand for specific programs. Our training workshops are typically conducted onsite or at a premises arranged by you or facilitated remotely via teleconference. We also have a range of online training courses.


Find out how we can help your business.